Fallout 3 hunting rifle
Fallout 3 hunting rifle

fallout 3 hunting rifle

I could obviously just don't do that for the sake of balance I was able to sell stocks of seized Hunting Rifles for ~400-500 caps in the early game with ease, making thousand of caps before I was even level 10. In Fallout 3 a Hunting Rifle in perfect condition had a base value of 150 caps (unaffected by any barter), in Fallout New Vegas a Hunting Rifle in perfect condition had a base value of 2200 caps (unaffected by barter).

fallout 3 hunting rifle

Not only is it problematic in terms of combat difficulty, it is also way too easy to make caps out of it. It was carried by almost every raider, mutant and people out there (Point Lookout was a painful experience considering how the Tribals were largely armed with Hunting Rifles + that weird hidden damage boost they get). Other than a matter of taste issue on my part, it also created a bit of a balance problem gameplay wise, considering how abundant the Hunting Rifle was in FO3, in TTW it is of course just as abundant, albeit now in the buffed form. What had happened to the once more "survivalist" weapon? This looked too professionally made for me. I was disappointed to find it re-chambered to fire. When New Vegas was released I was excited to once again use my old friend. It also looked great on the back of your Armored Vault 101 suit. Albeit quite underperforming on paper, the fact that it fired such a cheap, abundant caliber made it the perfect weapon for the Lone Wanderer in my opinion.

fallout 3 hunting rifle

I loved everything about that rifle, from the jury rigged look to the sound. One of my absolute favorite weapons in Fallout 3 was the 'simple' Hunting Rifle. I've always preferred Fallout 3 over New Vegas before I found TTW, possibly out of sentimental reasons due to the amount of amazing memories the game gave me. Let me just being to explain how grateful I am for the dev team behind TTW, how you managed to so seamlessly integrate two of my favorite games into one artlike entity, simply amazing. Hello everyone, after two long years of using TTW I finally decided to make an account and my first post here.

Fallout 3 hunting rifle