What programming language are wow addons made in
What programming language are wow addons made in

what programming language are wow addons made in

This macro merely casts a Fireball, and then has your character tell everyone nearby that you're casting it. After creating a macro, you can drag it into your action bars and activate it by clicking on its icon. Each macro can have a name and an icon in addition to its contents. You can open the macro UI by typing "/macro" (without the quotes) into the chat window, or clicking on the speech bubble button next to the chat window and selecting "Macro", or by bringing up the main game menu (usually by pressing the Escape) key and clicking the "Macro" button. A macro can contain just one command, or many commands, up to 255 total characters.

what programming language are wow addons made in

Macros are basically ways to store slash commands and run them again on demand. There are also emotes (like /laugh and /dance), and commands to run custom code (/run or /script). Some make your character do things (like /cast and /follow) while others give you information or open UI panels (like /who or /raidinfo) and others are related to chatting (like /yell or /join). There are several types of slash commands built into the game. You can get a list of some of the available slash commands using the "/help" command. For example, typing "/follow" into the chat window (without the quotation marks) while you are targeting a friendly player will cause your character to follow that player.

what programming language are wow addons made in

Slash commands are simple commands you can type into the in-game chat window to perform some action.

What programming language are wow addons made in